Congratulations covid, you have now bypassed the weather as the most common topic of conversation. Yes we’ve got lockdowns, vaccinations and living on a remote island to reduce your risk of getting covid.
But does food have a factor to play as well?
It appears that plant based eating can reduce the severity of covid. In a study on health care workers involved with covid, Individuals who reported following plant-based diets or pescatarian (vegetarian plus seafood) diets had lower odds of severe COVID-19-like illness. Interestingly – Individuals who were following low carbohydrate, high protein diets had higher odds of severe-COVID-19-like illness, when compared with individuals who followed plant-based diets.
No, Corona beers are were not included in the study.…/18/bmjnph-2021-000272.full.pdf
WHO has provided some great tips and guides for this current environment:…/nutrition-advice-for-adults…
Specifically, being deficient in vitamin D may increase your risk of getting covid. – check you levels and supplement if required.
Amidst all the hype and fears surrounding this pandemic, please don’t forget to nourish your body with healthy foods and plenty of exercise. Take a moment now to reflect on what you have been eating and pick 2 things you can improve for today.