A recent study in the media identified a link between egg intake and risk of diabetes.
The link was found in a sample of Chinese. “What we discovered was that higher long-term egg consumption (greater than 38 grams per day) increased the risk of diabetes among Chinese adults by approximately 25 per cent.”
This equates to about ½ an egg a day or 3-4 eggs per week. This is not what I would call a high egg consumer. We need to bear in mind two things considering this study.
- It is only a correlation not a causation.
- The Chinese dietary patterns during the study (1999-2009) underwent a massive shift form traditional to western style diets. The increase in egg consumption is only one part of a total diet shift.
Despite this study and the continuing debate around eggs…
Guidelines suggest regular intake of eggs (1-2 daily) as part of a healthy diet to prevent and manage type 2 Diabetes.
Take home message remains the same. Focus your diet on nutritionally dense foods. Eggs are one of the most nutritiously dense foods in our food supply.